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CH Armani Enzo v Moezel`s Oever x Joy Of Queen Convivial
The puppies from our F-litter have got new homes!
We had some fantastic days in Holland - thanks a lot Angelyc and Jakko Van Moezel`s Oever
Enzo and Prima
Pedigree and pictures of the puppies:
Puppies born
3 weeks
More pictures of the puppies:
Marikarlos Deja Vu ( Dennis) litter:
Esther v.d Mestreechteneerkes got 5 puppies - 2 females and 3 males
Esther v.d Mestreechteneerkes x Marikarlos Deja Vu (Dennis)
Pictures and pedigree of the puppies
All the puppies are sold
Freja x Axel
Contact : Magnus Berglin phone: +46 723371070
DK N SE NORD UCH Dauløkke`s Que Vadis x Marikarlos Eurovision Convivial
Mating September 2012
Freja 6 weeks pregnant !
22-11-2012 Marikarlos G-litter
“ Glitter “ is born - a lovely brindle girl , she will stay with us !
Newborn 4 days
12 days
Glitter 3,5 weeks
Marikarlos Deja Vu ( Dennis) litter in :
Born 11.11.2011
Mossehuldras Jorun got 4 puppies- 3 females and 1 male
Pictures and pedigree of the puppies
All puppies are sold!
NUCH Joy Of Queen Convivial x NUCH Sleepy Hollows`s Angelus
The puppies are born : 17.03.2012 - 1girl and 3 boys
The puppies are sold
Prima x Pøbel
Prima 60 days pregnant!
Puppies born 17.03.12
1girl and 3 boys
Puppy-plans 2015
1 Fawn girl (not for sale)
Ch Shegidog Charm Zodiak Flemboent x Convivials Fancy Felicity
Begge foreldre er helsesjekket uten anmerkninger!
Both parents are health checked without remarks !
1 Fawn girl (not for sale)
Quest Admiral x Convivials Fancy Felicity “ Daisy “
( Gastone x Heloise De La Parure) ( Ch Armani Enzo V.Moezel's Oever x ChJoy Of Queen Convivial)
Convivials Golden Treasure “ Ulla”
Pedigree : Ingrus
Puppies born ( Sold)
Convivials Gossip At Marikarlos “ Gossip” x CH Dauløkke`s Elisir d`Amore “ Pedro “
(CH Sleepy Hollows Angelus x CH Joy Of Queen Convivial) (CH Dauløkke`s Sedeux le Superbe x CH Dauløkke`s Raffine)
Marikarlos I-litter :
7 puppies born 24.03.14
1pied girl, 1 pied boy and 5 brindle boys
Contact: Marikarlos french bulldogs & Kennel Convivial
Magnus Berglin : mob: +46723371070
Håkan Häll :
Freja & Daisy